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Trade-Offs in Robust Trajectory Optimization Based on Sensitivity Minimization

13 pagesPublished: December 11, 2024


Rapid developments in aerospace technologies demand reliable procedures to plan ro- bust missions with high safety. To increase safety under uncertainties in model parameters or environmental conditions, multi-objective robust optimization methods via sensitivity minimization can be used. An acceptable trade-off between a nominal operational cost (e.g., time, energy) and robustness is searched for to plan missions that are less prone to disturbances. The presented analysis considers open-loop and closed-loop sensitivity min- imization approaches and utilizes multi-objective optimization to assess the performance and the limitations of both approaches. To solve the multi-objective optimization prob- lems, scalarization techniques are employed using weighted sums and cost bounds. By varying weights and cost bounds, multiple optima can be calculated, resulting in an ap- proximate Pareto front and giving rise to an overview of the trade-off between optimality and robustness of the solutions. The analysis is performed for robust unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) trajectory optimization minimizing positional sensitivities.

Keyphrases: multi objective optimization, robust optimal control, robust trajectory optimization, sensitivity minimization, uncertainties

In: Varvara L Turova, Andrey E Kovtanyuk and Johannes Zimmer (editors). Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, vol 104, pages 1-13.

BibTeX entry
  author    = {Tugba Akman and Florian Holzapfel},
  title     = {Trade-Offs in Robust Trajectory Optimization Based on Sensitivity Minimization},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of  3rd International Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing},
  editor    = {Varvara L Turova and Andrey E Kovtanyuk and Johannes Zimmer},
  series    = {EPiC Series in Computing},
  volume    = {104},
  publisher = {EasyChair},
  bibsource = {EasyChair,},
  issn      = {2398-7340},
  url       = {/publications/paper/GzG1},
  doi       = {10.29007/c9p2},
  pages     = {1-13},
  year      = {2024}}
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