Download PDFOpen PDF in browserThe Evolution Model of Cultured Bacteria with External Growth Inhibition: Computational Techniques and in silico Studies12 pages•Published: December 11, 2024AbstractMicrobiological systems have become relevant objects of interdisciplinary research in mathematical biology and bioinformatics and can be analyzed using in silico studies with the implementation of computational experiments. The design of mathematical models of bacterial biomass growth under external inhibition can help to predict states of the microbiological system, reduce antibiotic use, and avoid antimicrobial resistance. The paper is devoted to developing a mathematical model of nutrient-dependent dynamics of bacteria cultured in media, considering external surface growth inhibition. The mathematical problem statement includes governing equations to define spatial-temporal distributions of bacterial biomass concentration, nutrient concentration, and time-dependent dose of antibiotic concentration. We propose a joint numerical scheme based on finite difference methods and specialized program application implemented with Matlab. A series of computational experiments were performed to describe the distributions of the key chemical compounds characterizing bacterial surface growth exposed to antibiotics and predict antibiotic treatment strategies.Keyphrases: cultured bacterial growth, external growth inhibition, nonlinear reaction diffusion system, numerical algorithms, quorum sensing model, simulation of antibiotic treatment In: Varvara L Turova, Andrey E Kovtanyuk and Johannes Zimmer (editors). Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing, vol 104, pages 209-220.