Download PDFOpen PDF in browserReliability Models under the MicroscopeEasyChair Preprint 1580510 pages•Date: February 11, 2025AbstractMaterial defects caused by the movement of particles , or collisions between them at a molecular level are investigated. Einstein associated Brownian motions with the second law of thermodynamics. Brownian motion has been shown to cause a Wiener process degradation. Other types of random walks are introduced and the estimates of failure time distribution due to the defects is estimated. The practical application of the findings in reliability engineering practice (prediction, corrective action etc) is surveyed. The failure mechanisms described herein are a Physics of failure approach. Yet it validates some of the basics of Reliability Standards (e.g. the existence of constant failure rates, the Arrhenius model ) Prediction standards would overcome some of the weaknesses of current prediction standards if they incorporated some PoF models, which are generally applicable for all materials Keyphrases: degradation, failure mechanisms, random walks, thermodynamics Download PDFOpen PDF in browser |